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Shungite Water

Posted by Kerri Spence on

Healing and Detoxification

Shungite has many micro-elements and biologically active substances and has the astounding ability to purify and revitalize water.

In the early 1700s, Peter the Great of Russian had a palace built near a “magic” spring. That area became the first Russian resort and was named “Martial Waters” after Mars, the god of war. Back then, the Russians must have had an inkling about the powers of shungite water because they used it to cure all kinds of issues and dis-eases including a weak stomach, vomiting, diarrhoea, hypochondria, bile, scurvy and many others.

Peter the Great required every soldier to carry a piece of the unusual stone in their backpack. Many believed that the reason the Russians prevailed in the battle of Poltava was because the soldiers carried shungite with them.

For thousands of years, the natural shungite water from Lake Onega in Russia has never needed purification prior to drinking. Shungite is a more safe and effective method of “disinfecting” and cleaning our drinking water than boiling or using chlorine. One reason for this is because shungite has strong antibacterial abilities.

Shungite has the ability to attract and neutralises harmful contaminants from water then codes for balance and harmony (the purpose of shungite) are released and carried within the newly developed structure of the water.

In one experiment, water was contaminated with concentrated groups of A and D streptococcus. After 30 minutes in shungite water, both groups of streptococcus were significantly decreased.

Many experiments and studies have been conducted on shungite’s influence on the human body. Scientists conclude that shungite water is absolutely safe, non-toxic and consumable without the need to boil first.

Shungite Attracts and Neutralizes the following from Water:
heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, fluoride, histamines, bacteria (and other microbes) and harmful micro-organisms

Shungite Water - Uses:
Anemia, Allergies, Asthma, Cardiovascular dis-eases, Chronic fatigue, Common cold, Diabetes, Gastritis, Gall-bladder problems, Immune system deterioration, Impotence, Kidney, Liver or Pancreas dis-eases, skin dis-eases (acne), dandruff /hair loss, burns, cuts, arthritis and osteoarthritis and more...


How to make Shungite Water

    • Shungite is non toxic, the "direct method" of immersion can be used.
    • Before using make sure you wash and rinse the stone thoroughly
    • Once cleaned, place 100gm stone in a glass or ceramic bottle and fill it with 1 litre of fresh water.
    • Leave undisturbed (leave top open or cover with cloth) for 24-48 hours. If possible, place in window to catch the moon and sunlight.
    • Decant the water and drink throughout the day. 
    • NOTE: Always 'Decant' before using; drinking from the container with Shungite Stone can be a choking hazard.
    • Refill the bottle (with the Shungite) with more water and repeat the process.

    It only takes 20 SECONDS for Shungite to energetically restructure water. This is especially for useful for energy work using in a detoxing/rebalancing BATH foot spa or an energy cleansing spritz (This will not achieve the full filtration process)

    When Shungite sits in water for 24 HOURS, the water is perfect for every day uses such as daily drinking water, or watering plants

    Leave for a FULL 48 hours for full activation and to receive Shungite's full benefit.  Amazing for: an elixar, targeting specific ailments, detoxing, insect bites, cuts and burns and so much more. (This is fully activated and there's no need to leave any longer)